Monday, June 17, 2013

Beach vacation!

Last Thursday through Sunday, I went to Gulfport with my boyfriend and his family. We had so much fun! I don't have many pictures, and the ones I have aren't that great because I didn't bring my camera. But I'll post a few on here. Like I said, it was fun, but its always weird to vacation with people other than your family. Everyone does things differently. Also, my boyfriend, who just recently got his driver's license, drove us down there and we didn't die! He actually did pretty well! Ok, so i still don't know how this blogging thing works, so here's my crappy pictures!

We went to McDonald's at his dad's request because, well, ya gotta do what Woody says. But we're kinda cute, so it was ok.
Then we went to Sharkhead's, which is one of those beach giftshops that has beach towels and a lot of stuff made of shells. But this one also had a giant shark head, a smaller shark head, and a dolphin!

On the last night, we went fishing off of a pier. We both caught one fish each, but they were cute and little so we threw them back. 

So yeah. All in all, it was a nice trip! Hopefully soon I'll figure out this website and get my blog looking a little more artsy fartsy.


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