Monday, July 1, 2013

Surviving Oxford

On June 26, I packed up all my things and moved into a dorm at the University of Mississippi. I am in the Jumpstart program, which is basically just summer school for incoming freshmen that lasts about 4 weeks. My cousin and I are roommates, but just for those 4 weeks. Of course, I waited until the last second to start packing, but I managed to get it all under control. This was only about half of the stuff I brought up here.
(yes, i used pictures from my instagram because really, who has time to take EXTRA pictures when you're moving into college)
After a LONG day of driving, meeting my roommate for the fall in her hometown, and having a delicious milkshake, we finally got to the campus. There were people EVERYWHERE. It took quite a while to get moved in, but we got our room all set up.
The first day of classes, I was terrified! I wasn't 100% sure about where my classes were, and I didn't have anything except some paper and a pencil. My cousin and I woke up far too early because we didn't know how long it would take to get ready and walk to class. Because we got up so early, we had a lot of extra time to sit in the Circle, people-watch, and listen to the birdies. 
So far, I've only been here for five days. Everything is still a little new and scary, but I'm getting the hang of things. It definitely helps to have such a lovely campus and nice people all around who are happy to help. I don't think I could've picked a better school to go to. 


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