Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Date Night!

I'm leaving for college in a week! I feel strange and excited and scared! But anyways, since I'll be leaving soon, I forced Richard to take me on a proper date, since we normally just sit at his house playing video games, which isn't that bad of a way to pass the time. (Once again, only had my phone for pictures, so ignore the awful quality)
We did play video games for a liiiittle while today, but it was The Walking Dead game! No one can pass that up! While we were fighting the undead horde, Richard's mom came in and gave me a bunch of free lip gloss she got from her mom! 
It has Tarte lip gloss! Tarte is expensive! And I got it for free! Of course I had to try some on and take selfies because I am, after all, a white girl.
After a while, we FINALLY went to dinner at Biaggi's for our fancy date! I was feeling a bit dizzy, but what else is new. Richard LOVES kalamari, so we got some. I didn't think it was too bad, but apparently it wasn't up to Richard's standards. He has the taste buds of a Parisian food critic. We both got lasagna and ate pretty much all of it, but the waitress apparently thought we wanted to take home the teaspoon of sauce left on our plates. We spent most of dinner talking about video games and movies, as per usual.
After our lovely date, we went back to Richard's house to watch Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters! It was actually a really good movie! Not meant for children, but good for us strange teens. We played with Pancho, Richard's bearded dragon, and lulled Richard's dog to sleep with rock and roll. All of his pets have a strange appreciation of hard core guitar solos.
All in all, it was a nice day. Hopefully I can have another one like it before I head off to the land of parties and higher education.


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